Visit your professor! Each professor has office hours set aside to meet with students. Check your course syllabus to see when your professor’s office hours are then go and discuss your questions and/or concerns with your professor. You could also visit with your professor before or after class.
All of us can use help sharpening our organization and study skills. We have two courses designed for just that: GNST 1010 is a one-credit course designed to help you with skills such a time management, study skills, test-taking strategies, reading strategies, memorization, and more; GNST 1020 is a three-credit hour course that studies those same skills but in more depth.
Struggling in your math class? One way to learn math well is to come to the Math Lab and work one-on-one with trained tutors. For hours and location, click
Need writing support? You can request help on any writing assignment for any course by visiting the Writing Lab. Trained tutors will provide support at any stage of the writing process: pre-writing, drafting, revision. For hours and location, click
Don’t own a computer? No sweat! Computer labs are available on both campuses and are free to students. For hours and location, click
Need help with your math and writing? Visit us in the Sevier Valley Center wing of the Richfield campus!
Many professors offer help sessions outside of regular class meetings to help you better understand the material. In addition, several courses schedule help sessions on a regular basis: Biology 1010, 1050, 2420; Chemistry 1010, 1110; Math 1040, 1050; PHSC 1000. For more information on help sessions, click
In some cases, it may be best to consult an academic advisor if you feel you are behind in a course and unable to catch up. An advisor can give you options to help you manage your course schedule so that you can maximize your success.
In support of the mission of Snow College, the Peer Mentoring program seeks to provide students with an innovative and supportive learning environment. Mentors are selected, developed, and supported to allow for successful placement in a Peer Mentoring role. These roles will vary across departments and programs but all will have a foundation in student development theory. Mentors will provide guidance, encouragement, and positive student interactions to assist first-year students as they navigate the various transitions associated with attending college. Contact advising if you would like a peer mentor.